The Fire Fighters Foundation Blog

Working in Partnership with St John Ambulance at Lee Green Fire Station, London Fire Brigade



The Firefighter Foundation in partnership with For Jimmy Foundation and St John Ambulance and supported by The London Fire Brigade helped to donate a Zoll Defibrillator to Trinity School, Lewisham presented to them at Lee Green Fire Station, London.  The Fire Cadets gave a fire display alongside the Police Cadets and St John Ambulance Cadets. Also attending was SADS UK, London Ambulance Service and Ladywell and Crofton Police Safer Neighborhood Team. One child and two young people die nearly every day from Cardiac Arrest without the assistance of a Defibrillator. A Defibrillator could save their Lives! Please support the great work of SADS UK

Fire Safety Tips for Christmas

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Sleeping safe and sound this Christmas
Christmas may be a time for family celebrations and get togethers but it’s also a part of the year when there are some very particular fire and accident risks and when normal precautions can sometimes be overlooked.
As part of their commitment to home safety the bed and mattress manufacturer Silentnight have created a special guide to highlight the main risks and give advice about how they can be avoided.
Going through the home floor by floor, it points out dangers that are specific to Christmas. For example fairy lights present the possibility of both of overloading power sockets and of overheating and setting fire to the decorations or even the Christmas tree. The many candles that come out during the festive season present a similar danger and need to be treated with caution.
It also provides a number of general safety tips that are essential to follow all year round. For example having working smoke alarms correctly positioned is a vital way to ensure an early warning of any fire before it really starts to get hold. Another safety tip underlined by the guide is to turn the handles of pots with boiling water inwards to prevent potential scalding incidents.

Silentnight Fire Safety Link

Click on the Festive Picture

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The Firefighter Foundation working with SADS UK


The Firefighter Foundation supports all the great work of SADS UK and is committed to making it Mandatory for all Schools in the United Kingdom to own a Defibrillator and have First Aid Training for its Children. Please check out SADS UK Website if you have not already.

5 Top Tips to Look After Your Mental Health


Many fires and incidents the fire service attend are caused by people suffering with mental health issues.  Here are five practical ways to take care of your Mental Health and get the most from life.

Anyone can follow this advice.

1. Talk about your Feelings and ask for Help

Talking about your feelings can help you stay in good mental health and deal with times when you feel troubled. We all sometimes get tired or overwhelmed by how we feel and when things go wrong. If things are getting too much for you and you can’t cope, it is important to ask for help.

You could talk to friends or family. Additionally, there are professional organisations like your GP who you can talk to which is completely free to use. Lists of organisations are detailed in our links below.

2. Eat well and keep active

There are strong links between what we eat and how we feel – for example, caffeine and sugar can have an immediate detrimental effect. Eating healthy can keep your body and mind strong.

Exercise releases chemicals in your brain that can make you feel good. Regular exercise can boost your self-esteem and help you concentrate, sleep, and feel better.

3. Be kind to yourself

We’re all different in life and remember that it is completely natural to have problems or not always get things right. We are only human!. Do not be hard on yourself if you feel down or disappointed in yourself or others.

There is always hope no matter have desperate it may feel. Try and keep positive.

4. Take a Break

Try and give yourself some’ me’ time and put aside time in the day to stop and have a break. A change of scene or a change of pace is good for your mental health. It could be a five-minute walk, a half-hour lunch break at work or even a weekend away. A few minutes can be enough to de-stress you. Maybe you can listen to music or read a favourite book. Take up a hobby! Anything that makes you relaxed and chilled out. Always remember to manage your stress levels.

5. Drink Sensibly

We sometimes can drink alcohol to change our mood or escape from reality when we feel down. Some people drink to deal with fear or loneliness, but the effect is only temporary. Drinking alcohol or using drugs is not the answer and will only make your situation worse. Speaking to organisations that can help you with drink or drug dependency will help get you on the right path to good mental health. A list is detailed below of organisations that can help. There service is completely free to use.

It is important to take care of yourself and each other.

‘Courage, Compassion, Community’ 

Useful Links

Mind Charity